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catholic life

Christ the King Mission Statement and Motto






At Christ the King Catholic Primary School, Prayer and Liturgy play a vital role in our day-to-day lives.

We promote Prayer as being aware of the presence of God in our daily lives. We believe it is a way of developing, communicating and opening a relationship with God, a relationship of love and unity. At Christ the King, Prayer is not solely traditional prayers which are said, but words or actions that engage the whole person. Through prayer, we bring ourselves before God. We share our love, hope, difficulties, our own needs and the needs of others throughout the world.

An overview of what you would see at Christ the King Catholic Primary School

  • Mission Monday: Every Monday Morning, children and staff attend Mission assemblies where there is a focus on the Gospel. These are relevant to the Liturgical Year, or something specific that is happening in the world. These are planned and delivered by either SLT, MLT or the Chaplaincy Team.
  • School Mass: Children attend on alternative Tuesdays. At each Mass, children in Reception – Year 6 will participate in the mass through reading and singing.
  • Sunday Mass: Children in upper key stage 2 read at Mass on a fortnightly rota. Children in Nursery - Year 2 are encouraged to attend children's liturgy and children in Year 3 – 6 are also encouraged to attend the school choir which occurs during the masses which the pupils read at.
  • Gifts from God Assembly: Celebration assemblies are held on a Friday to reinforce the Gospel message, praise those who have shown the Catholic School pupil profile values and virtues, and encourage children to live out the Gospel in their lives. We also celebrate children who have shown to be developing one of the school’s five-character traits. Messages from the Chaplaincy Team, House Captains, the Eco Team and Sporting updates are also shared.
  • Class Prayer Time: A moment of prayer. Using Gather, Listen, Respond and Go forth, groups of children will plan and deliver weekly prayer services to their peers focused on something specific. This may be relevant to the Liturgical year, arising issues, class motivations, charities or general reflections.
  • Rosary/Prayer Club:  We are currently developing a weekly club led by the Chaplaincy Team.  The uptake in October for Rosary Club was phenomental, and so we are hoping to offer this club year round. 
  • Stations of the Cross: During Lent, children reflect on this important season where they participate in the Stations of the Cross at church on a Friday afternoon, with the Parish.
  • Guided Meditation: Throughout the year, children are given opportunities through RE lessons and Holy Time, where Guided Meditation is directed.
  • Benediction and Adoration: Throughout the year, there are opportunities for children to experience both Benediction and Adoration.
  • Partnership with Parents/ Grandparents: Throughout the year we invite families into school to take part in Family Faith Days and also to witness a class prayer service.

Our Chaplaincy Team

Our Chaplaincy Team is made up of children from Upper Key Stage 2. They meet regularly to discuss the provision of Prayer and Liturgy. The team work together to provide resources, share Holy Times, prayer, monitor and evaluate the prayer life in our school and support our school in our Prayer and Collective Worship journey.
CTK Chaplaincy Team (

Our Vision

  • To provide an inspiring and well-rounded Catholic education for all our children, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life
  • To ensure our children know the importance of showing respect to all, to value other people’s viewpoints, and to be fearless when standing up for what is right and fair.
  • To support the emotional and spiritual needs of our children so that they develop strength of character and resilience, qualities they need as they grow up and go on to take their place in this fast-changing world

Information Class Saints 

Name of Saint Information 

EYFS  -  St Bernadette

Image result for St Bernadette


What is Saint Bernadette known for?

Bernadette of Lourdes was a French nun who lived in the 1800s. As a young teenager, she had a series of visions of the Virgin Mary in the Massabielle grotto, ultimately leading to the founding of the shrine of Lourdes.

Class 3  -  Saint Anthony

What is Saint Anthony best known for?

Anthony is most famous for being the patron saint of lost things, he's also the patron saint of amputees, animals, Brazil, elderly people, horses, oppressed people, poor people, pregnant women, shipwrecks, and many, many more. As one of the most popular Catholic saints, St. Anthony is well-known and well-loved.


Class 4  -  Saint Jude

Image result for Saint Jude

What is Saint Jude known for?

Jude is the Patron Saint of Hope and impossible causes and one of Jesus' original twelve Apostles. He preached the Gospel with great passion, often in the most difficult circumstances. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he made profound differences in people's lives as he offered them the Word of God.

Class 5  -  Saint Joseph

Image result for Saint Joseph

What do you pray to Saint Joseph for?

We pray to Saint Joseph asking for his intercession to keep our hearts, bodies and minds pure. He is the patron of the Universal Church, the dying, fathers, carpenters, and social justice.

Class 6 –  Saint Francis of Assisi

Image result for Saint Francis of Assisi

What was Saint Francis of Assisi known for?

St. Francis is known for his ministry to the poor and underprivileged, his care for nature and animals, and founding the Franciscan order. Son of an affluent cloth merchant, St. Francis of Assisi lived in wealth and ease until God used a meeting with a leper to change his heart

Class 7  -  Saint Thērēse

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Who is Saint Thērēse?

She took the religious name Sister Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face. During her time as a sister, she was known as an ordinary, good, reliable, and talented nun. She served as sacristan and mistress of novices, painted pictures, and wrote poems and short plays

Class 8  -  Saint Faustina

Who is Saint Faustina?

Born from a poor family, after school, Faustina started to work to support her family. She felt the God was calling her to become a nun. In her writings, she stated that she had seen and spoken to Mother Mary and Jesus. In fact, Jesus appeared to her as the Divine Mercy and she painted what she saw

Class 9  -  Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Image result for Saint Teresa of Calcutta

What was Saint Teresa of Calcutta known for?

Mother Teresa founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to the poor, particularly to those in India, that opened numerous centres serving the blind, the aged, and the disabled.

Class 10  -  Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

Image result for Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

What is Saint Elizabeth of Hungary the patron saint of?

Elizabeth is the patron saint of bakers, nursing homes, brides, and beggars. Her Feast is celebrated on November 17.

Class 11  -  Saint John Bosco

Image result for Saint John Bosco

What is John Bosco the patron saint of?

John Bosco is the patron saint of Catholic publishers and youth. Pope Pius XI, who knew him as a young priest, canonized him in 1934. His feast day is January 31.

Class 12  -  Saint Katharine Mary Drexel

Image result for Saint Katharine Mary Drexel inof for children

Did St Katharine Drexel help the poor?

Katharine Drexel of Philadelphia is known for many things: heiress to a banking fortune, fierce advocate for the poor, foundress of the American religious order Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, and canonized saint in the Catholic Church.

Class 13  -  Saint Peter Claver

Image result for Saint Peter Claver

What is St Peter Claver known for?

September 9,  is the feast day of Saint Peter Claver, a Jesuit missionary known as the patron saint of slaves, African missions and interracial justice. St. Claver spent his life serving enslaved Africans who were brought to Colombia during the 17th century.

Class 14  -  Saint Vincent de Paul

Image result for Saint Vincent de Paul

What is an interesting fact about St Vincent de Paul?

While travelling, he was captured by pirates, who brought him to Tunis in Northern Africa. He was sold into slavery and he remained a slave for two years. During this time, he prayed to God, telling Him that if his life would be spared and he was freed, he would devote the rest of his life to the service of the poor.