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Our mathematics vision

This year we have been working on our Mathematics Vision.  We asked pupils, staff, governors, and parents to answer the question:  'Mathematicians at Christ the King Catholic Primary School should be...'

Our staff and governors believe that CTK Mathematicians should be…

Our parents believe that their children should be:

Our pupils believe that their lessons should be:

maths at ctk - one page look

Maths at ctk - curriculum overview

Intent, implementation, impact

FLUENCY - Number Bonds

Number Bonds are pairs of numbers that add up to a specific number.  They are also known as number pairs.  They are perfect for helping children quickly solve addition and subtraction questions as well as helping them with their times tables.

Encouraging children to memorise number bonds to 10 can help solve simple addition and subtraction sums much quicker and with much more confidence.  Number bonds help children to build a strong sense of the relationships between different numbers. If children can recall these facts from memory, it will give them a significant advantage when it comes to tests and assessments.

  • Number Bonds are essential in helping children get comfortable with mental arithmetic
  • Number Bonds make using inverse operations easier
  • Number Bonds help with everyday mental arithmetic as an adult
  • Number Bonds are easy to memorise and will have a big impact

Number Bonds to 10:  10 + 0, 9 + 1, 8 + 2, 7 +  3, 6 + 4, 5 + 5, 4 + 6, 3 + 7, 2 + 8, 1 + 9, 0 + 10

In year 1, children begin to learn the number bonds between 10 and 20.

In year 2, children will display confidence with number bonds as high as to 20 and begin to explore number bonds to 100. At this time they will also encounter converting these number bonds into relevant subtraction facts.

As they move through KS2, children will get more confident with finding number pairs to higher numbers such as 1000. They will also begin to work with decimal number bonds.

Fluency - Multiplication Facts

The National Curriculum states that children should be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12, by the end of year 4.

Each class has been allocated specific times tables which they will focus on within each year. These are shown below:

Year 1: 1x
Year 2: 2x, 10x, 5x
Year 3: 3x, 4x, 8x
Year 4: up to 12x

At CTK, we work hard to learn times tables within school but also like children to be encouraged to practise them at home. As a school we continually assess the children's multiplication knowledge in preparation for the times tables check in Year 4. 

One way to learn your tables is by listening to the following songs:

Resourced from:

TIMES TABLE Rock Stars (ttrs)

All children in Years 2-6 have access to TTRS which aims to help pupils to become confident, fluent and quick when recalling their multiplication and division facts. This is so important as the application of this knowledge ties into many different areas in Mathematics. Keep an eye on our newsletter and X (formally Twitter) for details of periodic competitions running through the school.

Homework Information

In Key Stage 1, children are asked to revise their number bonds to 10, 20 and then 100.  This will depend on your child's individual ability, which will be set by the class teacher.

In Key Stage 2, children are asked to revise their number bonds to 100.  They will also be asked to learn a range of times tables depending on their individual ability, which will be set by their class teacher. Please ensure you support your child in doing this throughout their time at CTK.

In addition to this, your child will have the following tasks to complete:

If your child is unable to access the internet at home or you are unsure which homework is set on which date please contact your child’s class teacher.

Visit Doodle Maths on:
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Maths Flex on:
ActiveLearn: Login (

TTRS on:
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (

Children are to log in using their username and password.
Your child’s class teacher will assign specific games to each child’s individual needs.