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Assessment Statement 

Assessment at Christ the King includes ongoing evaluation of learning by teachers on a day to day basis which allows them to tailor their teaching accordingly – commonly referred to as ‘Responsive Teaching’.  

The Language of Assessment used at Christ the King


 Early Years/Foundation Stage 



  Development matters-Non statutory guidance curriculum for the Foundation Stage



Early Learning Goal 



Good Level of Development.  Pupils will be defined as having a GLD if they achieve at least the expected level in the three prime areas of learning and the specific areas of literacy and mathematics. 

Statutory assessment  



Working at a greater depth of expected standard 



Expected standard 



Working towards expected standard 



Below expected standard 



Pre-key stage 

In-school language of assessment derived from PiXL approach  



‘Partners in Excellence’ – a non-profit organisation which is a collaboration of schools focussed on improving outcomes 



Based on current rate of progress, will secure Above Expected Standard 



Based on current rate of progress, will securely achieve Expected Standard.  With the right forensic support, has the potential to achieve Above Expected Standard 



Based on current rate of progress, will secure Expected Standard 



Based on current rate of progress is likely to achieve Expected Standard but may require some additional support 



Based on current rate of progress, will not achieve Expected Standard but with the right forensic support, has the potential to do so. 



Requires specialist support 




The specific B1 pupils targeted to attain the expected standard. 

Above Key Marginals are pupils targeted to reach a Greater Depth. 



Describes pupil working at/above expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths 



‘Wildly Important Goal’ 



Question level analysis 



Analyse School Performance 



Point in time assessments 

Learning is assessed against what has been taught to date and learner's achievements are compared against the expected levels of understanding and competencies relative to that 'point in time'. 



Assessment system used for Foundation subjects 



The correlation of the different language terms are: 



Statutory assessment 

PiXL language 

(Core subjects)  

Symphony language 

(Foundation subjects)  


 (More able) 
























Development Matters in the EYFS’ is used to track and assess pupils across our Nursery and Reception years.  The ‘EYFS profile’ is used to make accurate judgements about each pupil’s attainment at the end of EYFS. 

In Y1-6 PiXL tests and past SATs papers in Reading, Maths and GPS take place termly and gives teachers indicators of how well specific knowledge and skills have been retained and informs teachers of patterns and trends to tailor future curriculum planning and provision. 

Bespoke materials are used for Phonics and Science. 

Statutory assessments are completed at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2.  Phonics assessments are initially completed at the end of Year 1 and statutory times-tables tests in Year 4. 

 Attainment EYFS: 

The attainment of pupils in EYFS is assessed and tracked against the age-related criteria within “Development Matters”.  Observations and evidence are continually gathered to make recorded judgements at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer term. 


Age-related expectations at Christ the King Catholic Primary school are: 








0-3 years


3-4 years


         3-4 years



         3-4 years




3-4 years







Reception Developing





Practitioners in the EYFS are gathering supporting information and knowledge about the children in their care throughout the day. This supporting information enables practitioners to make a ‘best fit’ judgement of a child’s progress and attainment and the Development Matters document and the statutory EYFS framework are used to make support these judgements.

If it is appropriate, supporting information can be recorded by practitioners. This can be done in a variety of ways and can include:

  • Notes
  • Short observations
  • Information stickers in books
  • Responsive assessment and teaching eg annotations WS-with support or I-independent work, verbal feedback and next steps.
  • Photos with short annotations.
  • ‘wow’ moments that are recorded in magic moments books in Nursery.

During the final term of EYFS a ‘best fit’ judgement is made for pupils using the Early Learning Goal statement for each of the prime and subject areas.  Pupils achieving at least the expected level in the prime areas of learning and in the specific areas of literacy and mathematics are reported as gaining a ‘Good Level of Development” (GLD) and this is reported as ‘Expected’. Children who have not yet reached a Good Level of development are given the ‘best fit’ judgement of ‘Emerging’.



Teacher ‘point in time’ judgements of a pupil’s attainment are made at the end of each term.   

The schedule of diagnostic tests in Reading, Maths and GPS are used by teachers and leaders to identify pupils who may be at risk of falling behind and so may require more focussed intervention.  The information from both tests and teacher assessment is used to inform pupil progress discussion and to quality assure accurate judgements are made.  Nationally comparable benchmarking including PiXL is used to check that individual pupils, cohorts and groups are on track to meet end of key stage predictions. Teachers will refer to: 

  • Observations 
  • Discussions with the pupil 
  • Performance and engagement in lessons 
  • Pupil’s books 
  • Marking and feedback 
  • Curriculum coverage overview
  • Impact of ‘Same Day Intervention’  
  • Impact of targeted intervention 
  • Reading records 
  • Writing Indicators 
  • QLAs 
  • PiXL test outcomes and summary reports  
  • Pupil trackers e.g. phonics, spelling, reading speed.  




 At Christ the King monitoring of progress is represented using a format from SIMS, plotting the pupil’s current attainment from a chosen starting point (e.g. EYFS or KS1 outcomes).  We measure or quantify individual pupil progress at the end of KS2 using national progress measures. 

‘Sustained progress’ follows a linear flightpath model.  This is where pupils at least maintain their flightpath, with targeted intervention for those working below to meet the standards of their peers. 

The progress of pupils working below the year group’s curriculum will be monitored and evidenced in Individual Education plans or through using Small Steps.  Within whole school Pixl data, the national curriculum year that the pupil can access will be denoted by the preceding figure e.g. 3B2. The progress of gifted pupils working at a Greater Depth will also be monitored and evidenced through the recording of data on both PIXL and SIMS Reliability and Validity 

The reliability of any assessment is a measure of consistency.  It is understood that test marks can fluctuate on any given day, this is why PiXL test outcomes and SATs paper practises are just one of the many tools which teachers use to formulate their judgements.    PiXL outcomes are used primarily to assess the cohort’s attainment.  Making comparisons with the PiXL cohort (for example 22890 pupils in the most recent Y6 assessments) makes the data more reliable. 

Discussions are also important about the validity of any assessment.  Is it actually assessing the knowledge or skill it is intended to? 






WIG                ‘Wildly Important Goal’ 

This figure is our reasonable ambitious goal.  It is set for each year group within the first term and represents the sum attainment of each pupil’s performance on their best day.       


Prediction      The predictions we make are our opinions of the cohort’s outcomes based upon evidence of assessment and a range of information gathering. 




Reliability of predictions 

Each term predictions are reviewed by class teachers about a pupil’s end of year outcome. Senior leaders in consultation with teachers make predictions of cohort outcomes and end of key stage results.  



We can ensure this reliability by: 

  • A shared language of assessment across CTK and HCCMAC
  • Quality Assurance model including lesson observations, drop-ins and book walks. 
  • Pupil Progress meetings 
  • Shared formatted data points across the MAC
  • Internal moderation within and across year groups 
  • Moderation across the MAC 
  • Leader of Subjects supporting and quality assuring English and Maths within


  • Subject network meeting held termly (English, Maths, EYFS, PiXL )
  • External visitors      PiXL Associate